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October 15, 2024

A woman in her 70’s is home safe, after Cape Breton Regional Police Drone technology helped locate her in a wooded area of Howie Centre.

Police were called for help at approximately 7:00 PM October 12, after the woman did not return home from a walk as expected and family were concerned she may be confused on her whereabouts. A K9 team and Drone Operator were called to the scene to assist, along with Cape Breton Ground Search and Rescue. At approximately 11:00 PM, the Drone heat sensor alerted officers to a spot in the woods about 200 metres from her home; using the drone light and loudspeaker, officers were able to communicate with the woman and then used GPS coordinates to direct a K9 team and GSAR to her exact location.

The woman was uninjured, but assessed on scene by EHS and medically cleared.