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March 15, 2024

A 34-year-old man faces several charges after he fled from police at the scene of a break and enter Friday morning.

Cape Breton Regional Police were called to the Scrap Yard on Grand Lake Road at approximately 12:45 AM, to reports that someone had broken into the property; on arrival, officers saw a man run from one of the buildings, get into a vehicle and leave. Additional officers traveling on Grand Lake Road attempted to stop the vehicle, but the driver continued at a high rate of speed and left the roadway into the ditch near the area of the Lingan Golf Course.

Police, Fire and EHS all responded to the area of the collision, where the suspect vehicle had rolled onto its roof; Fire Services extracted the driver from the vehicle and he was transported to Cape Breton Regional Hospital by EHS for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries. He was later released from hospital and arrested into police custody.

After further investigation, with assistance from the Traffic Safety Unit, George William Giusti was remanded to the Cape Breton Correctional Centre, charged with Break and Enter, Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Flight from Police and Breaches of previous Court-ordered released conditions.
