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EMERGENCY: Call 911Non-Emergency: Call 902-563-5151


January 8, 2024

Cape Breton Regional Police are investigating a robbery at Big Ben’s Convenience Store on Prince Street in Sydney on Sunday morning, January 7th.

Police responded to the store at approximately 2:45 AM, where a clerk reported a man had entered the store and demanded money, while threatening use of a weapon. He took money from the register and left in a vehicle, described as a grey Jeep SUV. No one was injured.

The man was wearing a black jacket with the hood up, grey sweatpants and white shoes – photos are attached.  A vehicle matching the description of what he was driving, was spotted traveling on Victoria Road a short time later, and then located on a street in New Waterford Sunday afternoon, at which time officers also confirmed it had been previously reported stolen from a residence in Membertou.

Anyone with information that can help identify the man, or who saw or heard anything related to the incident, is asked to please contact police at 902-563-5151 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers.